Month: May 2024

Caramel Apple Cheesecake Cookie Bars

You might have noticed that I’m not generally a big fan of fruity desserts. Many (ok, let’s be honest – most) of my dessert recipes lean heavy into various chocolates, caramels, nuts and creams. But, there is one exception – apples. I love apple desserts in any form, so...

Deep Dark Rich Chocolate Fudge Cake

This recipe has a bit of an interesting history. When I first launched Chocoholic Anonymous, the recipe management tool I was using at the time defaulted to allowing registered members of my site to submit their own recipes. I was unaware of this setting and it had not been...

Caramel Apple Muffins with Pecan Streusel

I think I mentioned previously, as I work through re-posting all of the original site recipes I’m frequently taking the time to review, revise, and in many cases, re-bake the recipes. In some cases, there is more than 15 years of baking experience between the original post and now....

Zucchini Cheese Tart

While working through re-posting as many of my pre-site-crash recipes as I was able to recover, I came across this very rare find – a baked good that a) does not include any kind of chocolate and b) is savory. It isn’t that I don’t enjoy baking savory items,...

Maple Pecan Double Pumpkin Muffins

This is another way-back recipe that makes excellent use of any excess or leftover pumpkin puree you might have. If you found that the Scotchkin Cupcakes were too sweet or the Double Pumpkin Pancakes were not portable enough but you still want that iconic pumpkin and spice, warm, fall...

Chocolate Mudslide Cookies

Jacques Torres is a very well know pastry chef and chocolatier, so you know that a chocolate cookie recipe of his creation is going to be good. This is certainly no exception, the very slight changes I made to the recipe did not alter the overall flavor profile or...