Tag: pumpkin

Maple Pecan Double Pumpkin Muffins

This is another way-back recipe that makes excellent use of any excess or leftover pumpkin puree you might have. If you found that the Scotchkin Cupcakes were too sweet or the Double Pumpkin Pancakes were not portable enough but you still want that iconic pumpkin and spice, warm, fall...

Scotchkin Cupcakes

This is another very early recipe from the first incarnation of this site, and another one that makes good use of extra pumpkin puree. As I’ve been working on restoring recipes to the site, I’ve been taking the opportunity to closely review each one. In that process, I realized...

Double Pumpkin Pancakes

Pancakes are usually my go-to for weekend breakfasts. The batter comes together quickly, usually with ingredients I already have on hand, and they are pretty quick to cook as well. It is easy to make a large batch that will both satisfy the appetites of the moments and, as...