Chocolate Chip Ricotta Pancakes
As much as I enjoy food, cooking and baking, I’m not the biggest fan of grocery shopping. Even before Covid, I availed myself of pick up and delivery options whenever and wherever possible. While there were definitely some issues and hiccups early on, over the years the services have...
“Butterbeer” Blondies
First, before I get myself into any trouble – I am not in any way affiliated with the Harry Potter brand, J.K. Rowling, or Universal Studios. The first time I made these blondies, we had recently returned from a trip to Universal Studios where my kids had all experienced...
Sugar Cookies
These are not your traditional sugar cookies. In texture, they are probably most similar to the Lofthouse sugar cookies, although I think these might be a touch softer and more delicate. However, instead of being topped with a thick smear of buttercream, these cookies are entirely enrobed in a...
Vanilla Bean Coconut Macaroons
This recipe is for all of you coconut lovers out there; there is no chocolate, no fruit, nothing to distract from the sweet, rich, tropical flavor of coconut, supported by warm, indulgent vanilla bean. The exterior is golden with a crispy chew and the interior is soft, chewy, creamy...
Soft Creamy Caramel Candy
I love caramel candy, but I’m not a big fan of of the stick in your teeth, hard to chew variety of caramels. Back when I first posted this recipe, there weren’t a lot of options for plain caramel candies at my local grocery store. In fact, there was...